Saturday, August 26, 2006

Impulse Control

So how does one teach impulse control to a three year old? I've realized that is what is Monster's biggest problem. Grandma was none to thrilled that I failed to complete the drowning story so here you go.

Last weekend we were at the aquatic center which has the little kids area where there is a playground type area in a shallow pool and then there is a about 5 feet deep pool. We take the kids to the 5 feet pool to teach swimming. The Doodlebug is fearless about water. She was jumping into the pool to me and she would pop out of the water, rub the water from her eyes and sign "more". (So, while she looks just like Grandma, she doesn't mind getting water in her face, unlike Grandma.)
Later in the afternoon, Doodlebug and I were having a snack while the others played. She decided she was done with her snack and started off back to the pool. I called for her but she didn't hear me so I followed her just to see where she would go. She wondered through the shallow pool and then off to the deep pool where she walked to the side of the pool and calmly held onto the side of the pool and tried to get in. The Old Man and Monster came over shortly there after. They were on their way to the snack bar which was just past the big pool. We were all walking by the big pool together when Monster decided to shove Doodlebug into the pool. The Old Man jumped in right after her and she came right out of the water screaming "MONSTER". She wanted to be certain we knew exactly who did it.
Did this, however, teach her a healthy fear of water, NO. When asked WHY Monster replied he had seen her jumping off the side to me and wanted to know what happens if she jumped in by herself. She sinks, I explained. It took hours for me to get the image out of my head of her little pink hat floating on the top of the water and her fuzzy pink bathing suit deep in the pool.
On to happier matters!
This week was the first week of 1st Grade! The Boss got a 100% on her first ever spelling test (she gets that from her Dad)! She LOVES her teacher and she is very existed about 2 hours of math every day (obviously having M present at birth and her influence over the past six years has had an impact). She brings home a book to read every evening that is the equivalent of "See Jane Run." " See Spot Jump" She reads her school book and then reads The Cat In The Hat to her sister before bed.
This week was also Monster's first soccer game of her third season. Despite it being a million degrees outside, her team won 8-1. She was a trooper and ran the whole time. Unlike her mother she is so athletic!
Doodlebug and Monster have both been sleeping in their beds through the night. We realized it was daisy and Dash that were waking them up. Once we implemented a back-to-school bedtime routine and lock Dash and daisy in the playroom all night, it is night time bliss at the Shoe.
So, there is a recap of the week. I've gotten some relief at The Firm and hopefully when trial is over I can reliably re-join the Blogging World.


Blogger Tammy said...

That little Monster. :)

Yea for the Boss!

8:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Impulse control...what's that?

12:24 PM  
Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Oh, what a scary image!!

11:48 AM  

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