Monday, July 17, 2006

Newest members of the Shoe

I went to pick up The Boss's kitten, Daisy. When I got there, only she and her brother were left in the litter. They were snuggled up together and so cute that I decided to take both of them. So yes, we are now the freaky cat people down the street with our 4 cats. Daisy and Duke join Kato & Kramer who are 11 & 12 years old. These poor kittens will be loved to death I fear. I warned Monster when I got home that his kitten was a little scared and tired. I later went in Monster's room and he was sitting on his bed singing Rock-A-Bye Baby to his kitten. The decision to get two of them will likely be one of the best decisions I ever made, despite what The Old Man thinks (however, it didn't take him long to agree with me).


Blogger Tammy said...

They are so very cute!

6:47 AM  
Blogger Lynilu said...

Congratulations on the new arrivals! They're adorable! The one with a bit of white reminds me of my beautiful Echo who left us last fall after 18 years. I'm sure the children will have many fun times with them. Happiness to all at your household.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

Oh so sweet! Adorable!!! That is so sweet that you didn't split them up! How are your older cats adjusting to such young ones running around? I always find it amusing to watch older cats act all annoyed and snobby towards the rambunctious little ones. :)

2:17 PM  
Blogger The Old Lady said...

You have obviously been through this before. It is so funny to watch the big cats act all high-and-mighty whenever they come in contact with the kittens. The kittens are fearless though and hiss at the big ones.

6:12 AM  
Blogger Kami said...

They are so cute.

(Tammy, they are freaky cat people.)

9:49 AM  

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