Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Still missed...

While we here at the Shoe have really enjoyed the addition of Daisy and Dash we fooled ourselves into thinking it would help us miss our beloved Kosmo any less. Kosmo was our 9 year old beagle. She had been diagnosis with epilepsy at around the age of 5. She continued to have seizures off and on for years but none of them severe and never severe enough to treat. On the day my beloved Tammy was relieved of her duties here at the Firm (we worked together for almost 8 years) I went home to discover the Boss had found Kosmo unresponsive in the back yard. After a two day battle, it was determined that Kos had a brain tumor and it was likely that had been causing the seizures over the years. It was determined that she would not recover. The Old Man tried his best to grasp onto any glimmer of hope but alas we realized she would need to leave us. We buried her in the back yard where we also planted an oleander bush. Her bush blooms periodically and makes me smile. I still miss her so much though! Pets are wonderful addition to your family.

On a happier note, the kittens just make me laugh. Last night they managed to take a basket of toy pegs and scatter the 24 pegs throughout every room in my house. I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of something else to pick up after.


Blogger Tammy said...

I, too, miss Kos. Especially the beagle bark. :)

11:21 AM  
Blogger Lynilu said...

Now I fully understand your comment at my blog. It is so hard. We love them but we can't make them live as long as we do. My thots are with you. And thanks for your kind words.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

I'm so sorry to hear that! What a sweet puppy!

Ah, kittens. So much fun. I used to find my Leroy in the trashcan. :)

12:55 PM  
Blogger Nap Queen said...

I'm am still so, so sorry. What a sweet face. I like the idea of planting a bush or tree in their memory.

3:08 PM  

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