Do I even remember how to use this thing......
Okay I make no promises but maybe I'll venture back into the blogging world! I have recently changed jobs AGAIN! After being at one law firm for five years, I followed two attorneys to a new firm. That firm did not work out for me and a short five months later my dream job fell into my lap. I am now the Litigation Support Coordinator for the Dallas office of one of the largest and oldest law firms in Texas. I've only been here two weeks but the people have been so nice and the work has been fun and challenging.
During my blogging break the kids at the Shoe have continued to grow and amaze me. Doodlebug is two and has a split personality. She can go from being the sweetest child you can ever imagine to pure hell. When she didn't like what I made for dinner the other night, she dumped her plate on the table. After returning from time-out she sat in her chair and dumped her glass of milk on the table. Needless to say dinner was over for her! Monster is well a monster. He is beginning to show signs of being a real person and I've adjusted to the fact that he is always going to be a boy! The Boss is about to finish first grade and has now officially made it through the entire year without missing one single spelling word. I am so very proud. I don't have photos with me today but you can count on many to come!
One big change in my life is that my mother ran off and got married. Fortunately I have always liked her new husband and will enjoy having a new step-father as well as an amazing new step-grandmother. Before she did this, she came to Big D to help me out with the children while The Old Man hosted a big city event and was basically AWOL for four days. While Mom was here we did some shopping and found these really cute outfits we both liked. Since we had the time, we decided to go have our pictures made together. So much fun!